Lesson 1 Activity 2 - Complex Adaptive Systems
In this activity, students will watch a PBS ScienceNOW video about complex adaptive systems called "Emergence" and reflect on whether or not various systems are complex adaptive systems. (Note: Complex adaptive systems are systems that have "emergent complexity" as described in the video.)
Video on Emergence:
Review the Characteristics of a complex adaptive system.
Play "Complex or Complicated"
After reviewing the concepts in the video, we assess students' understanding by playing the game "Complex or Complicated." Here's a presentation file for running the Complex or Complicated activity. To play, simply ask which image represents a complicated system vs. a complex adaptive system and engage the students in discussion.
For each of the following examples, choose whether the example is a complex system or just a complicated system.
Is "Turn and Walk" an example of a complex adaptive system? Why or why not? Post your reflection in your portfolio in the section "Reflections->Complex Adaptive Systems" under the heading "Is Turn and Walk a Complex Adaptive System?"
- Watch the video on Emergence
- Review characteristics of complex adaptive systems
- Play "Complex or Complicated"
- Reflect on whether or not "Turn & Walk" is a complex adaptive system
Video on Emergence:
Review the Characteristics of a complex adaptive system.
Play "Complex or Complicated"
After reviewing the concepts in the video, we assess students' understanding by playing the game "Complex or Complicated." Here's a presentation file for running the Complex or Complicated activity. To play, simply ask which image represents a complicated system vs. a complex adaptive system and engage the students in discussion.
For each of the following examples, choose whether the example is a complex system or just a complicated system.
1 point
Complex or Complicated?

1 point
Complex or Complicated?

1 point
Complex or Complicated?

Is "Turn and Walk" an example of a complex adaptive system? Why or why not? Post your reflection in your portfolio in the section "Reflections->Complex Adaptive Systems" under the heading "Is Turn and Walk a Complex Adaptive System?"